Children’s Rights and Wellbeing: Case Studies

With the relaunch of our Children’s Rights and Wellbeing manifesto, we are spotlighting case studies from the industry highlighting how some of the principles outlined in our manifesto can be applied in practice.  


SuperAwesome is an award-winning technology company that is revolutionising how we advertise to under-18s. Through the launch of AwesomeAds in 2013, they have created a platform that engages with younger audiences in a compliant and safe environment. Their work with gaming integrations, YouTube channels, influencers, and digital media professionals has paved the way for responsible digital advertising that puts children’s wellbeing at the forefront. This case study illustrates how to embed safety-by-design in your advertising products, and how to market in an age appropriate manner; things which are outlined under Principle 1 and 3 in our Children’s Rights and Wellbeing manifesto.

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